The Honey Hoppers
Swing performance and training company by Sugarpush Vintage Dance

The Honey Hoppers are an amateur swing dance (Lindy hop, vernacular jazz and charleston mostly) performance and training group lead by Holly France assisted by Romayne Etwaroo. The focus of this group is equal on both performance and training, we want to nurture confident dancers on the stage, as well as on the social dance floor. The group is very supportive of each other, the members always help each other out along the way, we believe everyone has something they can bring to the group. The rich history of Lindyhop is very important to us, we are sure to credit the original dancers and encourage learning about all aspects of this dance. We keep learning ourselves by attending workshops with the elders of the community and attending webinars with organisations such as Collective Voice for Change.
They have performed at The Lyllian Baylis Theatre, Sadlers Wells, Toynbee Arts Centre, Lylian Baylis, Laban, Zedels, Swing at Sway, Watford Big Dance, Holborn Community Association and One Great Day as well as many other charity and community events.
We aim to be inclusive, if you have any access needs we would love to accommodate. Both Holly and Romayne are experienced in facilitating sessions for people with disabilities. Currently our studio is up a flight of stairs, do let us now if this is problematic for you, we are happy to look into alternatives
We rehearse 7-9 every Tuesday at Ugly Duck near London Bridge 47/49 Tanner Street, London, SE1 3PL. We typically have 2-3 main performances each year, with other low key performance opportunities throughout the year.
"I love being a Honey Hopper. Holly's classes include a great mix of working on technique and musicality, and learning fun, creative dance routines to put it all together. She has created a really supportive, collaborative dance community, which is amazing. The Honey Hoppers classes were my highlight through lockdown. I can't wait to perform with them as soon as we can!"
Sarah Charig, member since 2018
We have been fundraising during the pandemic for Clic Sargent, The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, Groundswell and Inc Arts
We regularly donate to the Black Lindy Hoppers Fund who provide assistance to established and developing dancers, musicians, researchers and community builders endeavoring to be of greater service to community members of African and African diasporic heritage. You can read more about their great work here https://blacklindyhoppersfund.org/
We have 2 scholarship places on offer, your membership will be completely free. For more information please send us an email sugarpushvintagedance@gmail.com We also now will be offering half price memberships for those on lower incomes, no questions asked. We don't want financial constraints to keep you from joining so please don't hesitate to get in touch. Feel free to get in to discuss any financial requests, we are open to ideas.
If you are interested in joining send us an email at sugarpushvintagedance@gmail.com more info, feel free to ask us any questions you might have .